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Don't know how to pronounce the Greek names of your favorite characters? No worries! Check out the handy dandy Greek names pronunciation guide below, developed by Debbie Andreen.
LetheLEE thee
Acteonak TEE un
Kithairon, Mount"KEY thair on
KetamineKEY tah meen
Prometheuspro MEE thee us
ArcasAR cuss
ChironKEER on
AeolusEE eh les
ScytheSIGH th
RhodeROE dee
Heraklionher RACK lee on
Kaveh Grahibkah veh graw HEEB
Dionedy OH nee
MinotaurMIN ah tor
Selenesuh LEEN
Aiakosay YA kos
Thaliathuh LY uh
HeraHAIR uh
AtroposA (like cat) trah pahs
Rhadamanthysrah dah MAN this
Cyclopessy CLOH peez
ErebusAIR ah bus
HypnosHIP nos
Polyhymniapoly HIM nee ah
DeityDEE ah tee
OrpheusOR phee us
KnossosNAW ses
AriadneAIR ee AD nee
Hippolytaheh PAUL eh tah
NereidsNEER ee ids
HermesHER meez
Iolauseye oh LAY us
AresAIR eez
MaenadsMEE nahds
CharonKAIR en
GeryonGER yawn
HecubaHEH kew bah
Dionysusdie uh NYE sus
ScyllaSIL uh
DelosDEE lahs
Aphroditea fro DIE tee
SteropesSTAIR uh peez
Enyaliosen YAY lee os
EosEE as
Tiresiasty REE see us
Eunomiayou NO mee ah
Hermaphroditusher maa fro DYE tus
LetoLEE toh
Amphisbaenaam fes BEE nah
Apotheosisah pah thee OH sus
MinosMY nus
BoracayBOR ah cay
Eurynomeyur RIN ah mee
AsphodelASS fah dill
ArionAIR ee un
Charybdiskur RIB dis
PriamPRY um or PREE um
Medusameh DOO suh
Echidnauh KID nuh
Palaistrapah LES trah
DeimosDEE mows
PhorcysFOR sis
Curetescur RET eez
HesiodHEE see ud
KetoKEY tow
HestiaHES tee ah
Poseidonpuh SI duhn
Matapan, Cape"MAT (like cat) ah PAN
GaiaGUY ah
ArtemisAR tuh miss
UranusYUR en us
PelopsPEE lops
SatyrsSAY turs
AtlasAT luss
ArgesARE jiz
TycheTY key
Eireneee REE nee
Adgistisa JISS tis
CybeleSEH bul ee
StymphalusSTEM fa lus
Megaerama GEER ah
Anterosan TAIR os
BrontesBRAUN teez
SisyphusSIS a fuss
Alectouh LEK toh
MelinoeMEL uh no
SemeleSEM uh lee
Augean Stablesaw JEE un
Algaeaal JEE ah
BosporusBOSS pur us
Antiopean TY oh pee
HeliosHEEL lee ohs
Aeneasee NEE us
LadonLAY dun
Perins PeakPAIR ens
Hephaestusheh FEST us
Philotesfil LOW teez
SahinSha HEEN
ThetisTHEE tus
HydraHI druh
ClothoCLOH thoh
Hesperideshes PER ah deez
BoreasBOR ee us
ChioneKY uh nee
Odysseuso DEE see us
Tisiphonetih SIPH oh nee
HeraclesHAIR uh cleez
CerberusSER ber us
Briareosbri AR ee os
Adrasteiauh DRAS tee uh
Persephoneper SEF fuh nee
ErosEAR ohs
Demeterduh MEE ter
CubieKEW bee
GalinGAY lin
Eurydiceyur RID ah see
BaqlawaBOCK la va
ThanatosTHAN uh tos
TheseusTHEE soos
Laodicelay ODD eh see
Polyphemuspaul ah FEE mus
Enyoeh NY yo
Amphitriteam feh TRY tee
Algaiaal GAY ah
Metismay TEES or MEE tis
AristaiosAIR is TY ohs
CronosCROW nus
Oceanidoh SEE ah nid
ErisAIR us
RheaREE ah or RAY uh
Achaeansah KEY ens
HecateHEH kah tee
Asterionas TEER ee on
Euphrosyneyew FRAHS sin nee
Pasitheapa SITH ee ah
MytikasMIT uh kus
TartarusTAR tah rus
LachesisLACK eh sis
Majorelle Gardensmah jah RELL
DaedalusDAY dul lus
ChrysaorCRY say or
ThyrsusTHUR susTHUR sus
Mont Forelmont FOUR el
Litohoroli TOE ho ro
Admetusad MEE tus
PhlegethonFLEG eh thon
Papasan chairPAH pah sahn
AcheronAK ur on
IdaEYE duh
Ascalaphusas CAL a fus
Harmoniahar MO nee ah
Cocytusco KYE tus
Asklepiosas KLEEP ee us
HadesHAY deez
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